Photography and the fascination with wild life. One of my favorite Primates: Monkey of Japan
The family comes first and this needs no introduction.
With a strong presence in Africa, spread a little on all continents and broken borders. Associated with the worship of the gods in the East and considered a plague in other places, they are small, are large, they are beautiful and bizarre, are fierce and are friendly. They are like all of us humans … Among the species with the greatest influence on my photography, will be highlighted: the monkey of Japan, the mountain gorilla, chimpanzee, orangutan, and tamarin/s. The human expressions and gestures make them, almost, the perfect target for portrait photography, also of wild life.
This sharing is not innocent. This family is declining. We all lose our heritage and global consciousness is diminished with the demise of so noble and beautiful diversity. Preserving this universe is also to spread its image, is also to spread this fascination. It’s not by chance that we share 98-99% of our DNA with these brothers …
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[Wildlife Photography | Animal Pictures]