Wednesday 11 August 2010

Wildlife Photo | animal picture - Feline - Tiger panel- updates from Animais Fotos

Wildlife Photo and Animal Pictures - News this week - Big Cats - TIGER

Wildlife Photo| Animal Picture - Panel of portrait photos of a great feline - TIGER
Wildlife Photo | Animal Picture - BigCats - TIGER Portraits
Wildlife Photo| Animal Picture - Portrait of a closeup of a big cat  Tiger
Wildlife Photo | Animal Picture - Closeup of a Big Cat - Tiger

If there is an animal which can be seen as the Icon of the struggle for wildlife and animal protection, without a shadow of a doubt, the tiger is the one. This big cat always exerted a special fascination over mankind and left its footprint, from the noble arts to religion, from sports to daily common tools and crafts. Strange way to demonstrated such a feeling, since, we're almost driving the divinity to extinction...

For your personal joy and appreciation, these photos of the big cat - Tiger - are now placed here.

Animais Fotos - Monkey of Japan - Closeup of two faces looking directly to the camera
Animais Fotos - MonkeyofJapan - Twins
Animaisfotos - Photo is a Stork strangely looking at the photographer
Animais Fotos - Storks strange looking - A Vénia
Animais Fotos - White Stork with arms with open- An approach to the nest - Fotos de animais selvagens
Animais Fotos - Stork - with arms wide open
Animais Fotos - Primates - Gorilla think on... Moments of wisdom - Fotografia de animais selvagens
Animais Fotos - Mountain Gorilla - Thinking  
Animais Fotos - Cheetah almost attacks wildlife photographer - Fotografia de animais selvagens
Animais Fotos - Cheetah Leopard - The hunt 
Your Comments and Critiques are most welcome and appreciated. By contributing with a single gesture [click|comment] here, you contribute to the wildlife protection awareness.

Thank you!

Sharing these photos is my modest contribution,
[Wildlife Photography | Animal Pictures]

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